Psoriasis in the early stages. Diagnosis and treatment of disease

Psoriasis is called the chronic infectious disease that affects the human skin. This disease is considered to be the most common dermatological diseases. People suffering from psoriasis in the early stages, very often such a pathology does not pay any attention at all, believing that the appearance of red dry spots you can take care of itself.

at an early stage

Psoriasis symptoms early

Disease such as psoriasis has a number of symptoms that fit a number of other disorders, so sometimes it can be difficult for the patient to determine what illness struck his body. These symptoms are usually referred to:

  • General weakness,
  • a constant feeling of fatigue (chronic fatigue syndrome),
  • the emergence of depression or depressed state.

The presence of similar symptoms of the disease cannot yet be concluded, as she got sick.

Psoriasis at an early stage characterized by the appearance of papules round shape, bright red or pink, covered with psoriatic plaques (scales). This skin formation is almost always located symmetrically on the hair of the head, lower back, flexor surfaces, sometimes plaque psoriasis can be found on the mucous membranes of the genital tract, and upper and lower extremities.
The appearance of pimples is the main symptom of psoriasis at an early stage.

Causes of psoriasis

Despite the huge possibilities of modern medicine, the reasons for which people begin to appear the skin pimples, are still unclear. Many modern doctors are inclined to believe that psoriasis is a hereditary predisposition. This disease may occur because of the effect on the human body the following predisposing factors:

  • traumatic injuries of the skin,
  • the presence in the body infections,
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages,
  • increased skin exposure to UV light (the sun) rays
  • a person's mental trauma
  • as a result of hormonal disorders.

Very often psoriasis is a recurrent disease, occurs in people with AIDS or HIV infection.

How is psoriasis early stages

the initial stage of the head

Disease this nature begins with the appearance of the skin papules (small size of the pimple), with clearly defined borders and rounded shape. The color of this training is a pink or reddish tone. Papule can acquire a bluish tinge, and if it glaziruetsya, lower limbs, where blood flow is much slower than the rest of the people in the body.

The early stages of the disease plaques generated scales silver-white in color. The skin of the person they are connected to poorly, the result is easily behind pimples.

Located close to each other psoriatic papules are often connected to the large diameter of the skin elements, which, in turn, spoil the appearance of the skin.

The head in the early stages of psoriasis that formed in the inner segment of the rashes begin to fade, and external (edge) will become bright red. As garland-sicut form plaques characteristic of psoriasis in the early stages. Most often the first rash of psoriasis can be seen on the ends (hairy part), elbows and knees.

During psoriasis has three stages:

  • Progressive — in this stage, when the papules comes in different color and go to the process of merging with each other.
  • In place — if new rashes from beginning to end and papules fade.
  • The recession of — is the complete disappearance of nodular lesions in the affected areas of the body.

Psoriasis treatment has developed a lot of drugs that fight the disease with different efficiency. The best preparations in this field are:

  1. Hormonal drugs, which is the ability to immediately arrest the symptoms of psoriasis. Such drugs are usually determine the severe symptoms of the disease, complicate the appearance of pimples fluid.
  2. Non-hormonal means, among them, decided to share Salicylic acid and Zinc ointment. These drugs are designed to remove itching, inflammation, the removal of exudative configurations. Also very recommended ointment on the basis of the solido in'.
  3. Shampoo allows you to deal with psoriasis on the head.
  4. Sprays to help to combat the disease, the scalp.

Exercise. aimed at preparing for justo procedures


The treatment of psoriasis separately in the space reserved for the exercise. aimed at preparing for justo procedures.

PUVA-therapy. The so-called exposure to long-wave ultraviolet radiation is used for medical purposes together with other medicines to treat psoriasis.

2 hours before irradiation, the patient should take such medicines as Ammifurin or Psoralen. Treatment PUVA-treatment to cleanse the skin pimples and ongoing maintenance treatment, it is favorable to maintain remissionem during. The treatment lasts for years-2 year (25 times a year).

donec justo. This method of treatment is the application people ozonized solution to get rid of psoriasis. Ozone is then used in the form of ozone-oxygen mixture, which is:

  • is used ozone-water or oil inside,
  • given by injection into a vein (IV), under the skin.

Ozone treatment has a number of contraindications, it is not possible when:

  • Allergy to components
  • alcohol intoxication during treatment,
  • epilepsy,
  • myocardial infarction,
  • disorders related to blood clotting.

Treatment donec justo reduced to 10 – 12 times.

Hirudotherapy. Psoriasis treatment with leeches is a very popular way to get rid of this disease. Leeches put on those parts of the body which are papule, where they mordens per skin secrete into the blood a substance, hirudin, which, in turn, began to actively fight disease. The course of treatment is 150 leeches for one person. Doctors recommend to pass 2 courses.

Treatment of psoriasis at home

care at home

Cream in folk medicine

In an enamel bowl put the following ingredients: 200 grams of butter and 10 grams of finely chopped propolis, the mixture should boil them on low heat for 10-15 minutes, not forgetting the intensive, all the time stir. The resulting medium was filtered before use through several layers of gauze. It is rubbed on affected by psoriasis place until the complete disappearance of pimples. Lotion can be stored only in the refrigerator.

Should take two fresh eggs, and add one tablespoon of sunflower oil. Eggs and butter should be carefully whisking and add 40 grams of acetic acid. The resulting ointment change-jar, with a lid. It must be lubricated daily before bedtime to the affected areas of the skin. This tool is very effective in the treatment of early psoriasis.


You need to take equal parts by weight of ingredients, such as milk, grape leaves, flax seed, and burdock root (always fresh). They should be boiled for 5 minutes in an enamel pot, let cool to room temperature, and to do lotions on the problem areas.